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个人/For Me


I am currently an undergraduate student in the Department of Marine Science at the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University. In September 2025, I will begin my PhD studies at the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, where I will be conducting research in planetary climatology. I am also currently participating in an exchange program at Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology) in Tokyo, Japan.


I was born and raised in Yangquan, an industrial and mining city in Shanxi Province, northern China, which flourished during the latter half of the 20th century. Over the years, I have lived for extended periods in Taiyuan, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, and Yokohama, gaining diverse life experiences. I graduated from Yangquan No. 1 High School, renowned for producing distinguished figures such as science fiction writer Liu Cixin and Baidu CEO Robin Li.During my undergraduate studies at Tongji University, after thorough reflection, I came to realize my strong sensitivity to large-scale system dynamics. By systematically exploring various branches of Earth sciences and carefully considering my personal interests and inclinations, I ultimately decided to focus my research on the field of climate dynamics, particularly planetary climatology and paleoclimatology. This choice was partly inspired by my childhood fascination with astronomy—I owned two telescopes back then (though they have been gathering dust for the past decade)—and partly reignited by the works of my high school alumnus Liu Cixin, such as The Three-Body Problem and The Wandering Earth. These stories rekindled my passion for exploring the natural sciences on grander spatial and temporal scales, further solidifying my commitment to this research path.

气候现象的涌现和演化受太阳辐射、大气成分、海气热流、冰盖等多重因素的影响。而行星气候学和古气候学则通过对比不同时空的气候现象,深入探讨气候变化的规律和机制。这是一个交叉学科而且蕴含着许多暂时无法解释的湍流、多尺度过程、分岔、临界过渡和复杂系统等理论物理现象的领域,我因此而入迷。从还原论的角度出发,一个引人深思的问题是:如果我们对地球自身的性质了解还相对有限,那么研究遥远行星大气性质的意义何在?实际上,研究系外行星为跨越天体物理和地球物理的跨学科研究创造了一个非凡的科学前景。地球物理科学可以为研究非地球天体做出重要贡献;另一方面,通过研究其他行星,我们可以以更广阔的科学视角来更好地理解地球,而不仅仅是专注于预测和解释对人类直接相关的地球流体某些特性的变化。(Lucarini,2013) 欢迎与我联系:wangyinjie@tongji.edu.cn

Climate phenomena emerge and evolve under the influence of multiple factors, including solar radiation, atmospheric composition, air-sea heat fluxes, ice sheets, and many others. Planetary climatology and paleoclimatology, on the other hand, explore the patterns and mechanisms of climate change by comparing climatic phenomena across different times and spaces. This interdisciplinary field contains numerous theoretical physics phenomena, such as turbulence, multi-scale processes, bifurcation, critical transitions, and complex systems, many of which remain difficult to explain, which is why I am so fascinated by it. A thought-provoking question is: if our understanding of Earth’s own properties remains relatively limited, what is the significance of studying the atmospheric characteristics of distant planets? In fact, the study of exoplanets creates an extraordinary scientific prospect for interdisciplinary research that bridges astrophysics and geophysics. Geophysical sciences can make significant contributions to the study of non-terrestrial bodies; conversely, by investigating other planets, we can gain a broader scientific perspective to better understand Earth—not merely by focusing on predicting and interpreting changes in certain characteristics of Earth’s fluids that are directly relevant to humanity.(Lucarini,2013)Feel free to contact me: wangyinjie@tongji.edu.cn.

在我的幼年和青少年时期,我的兴趣非常广泛,我也因此受益至今。在网络空间中,我以“加卡利亚”(英文名:Djungarian)的名义,活跃于睡莲、音mad、天文、清朝历史、宠物以及古玩收藏等多个网络社团。之所以选择这个网名,是因为在2010年我注册QQ账号时,正痴迷于研究仓鼠。当时各个仓鼠属种的学名中,只有“加卡利亚”(后人已经规范中文学名为短尾侏儒仓鼠(Phodopus sungorus))长度适中,不像其他名字那么怪异,因此这个名字便沿用了下来。虽然期间我曾尝试更改网名,但这是最早的名称,胳膊拗不过大腿,一直用到现在。

During my childhood and teenage years, I had a wide range of interests, which have continued to benefit me to this day. In the online community, I have been active under the name “Djungarian” in various groups related to water lilies, YTPMVs (OtoMAD), astronomy, Qing dynasty history, pets, and antique collecting. I chose this username because, when I registered for QQ in 2010, I was fascinated by raising hamsters. Among the scientific names of various hamster species, only “Djungarian” (later standardized as Phodopus sungorus, the short-tailed dwarf hamster) had a suitable length and didn’t sound as odd as the others. Though I attempted to change my username several times over the years, this was my very first name, and I ultimately kept it—sometimes, you just can’t fight the inevitable!

研究领域/Research Areas